The Copenhagen Post: Municipalities deem certain ethnicities as undesirable

Some municipalities request less Chechen and Roma refugees for integration
23/11/2014 - Haderslev, Skive and Brønderslev have all written to Udlændingestyrelsen (Immigration Service) informing them that they would like to avoid having more Chechens come to their municipalities, reports Berlingske. Haderslev writes they cannot “accommodate” more Chechens and Frederikshavn has expressed difficult experiences with the group. Skive also writes they have had a “bad experience” with integrating Chechens and that many have moved away due to the difficulty.
Meanwhile, the municipality of Sønderborg has written they would like no more Roma refugees from former Yugoslavia. Though it is against the Immigration Act to differentiate among those in need, preferences are sent to Immigration Service based on the success places have had with integration, for example with language teaching and interpreting. However, some integration staff at the municipal level use this as an opportunity to compile a list of groups they would like to avoid.